
B • Everything happens for a reason!


My name is Brooke, I

Am 30 TTC with #1 with my husband of almost two years but we have been together for the last 14 years. This will be our 3 cycle trying and I am currently on CD 13. There is nothing I want more then to

Make my husband a father and my parents grandparents. My husband has wanted kids for along time but i was trying to get our life in order and finish school but I have come to figure out that we will never be fully ready and settled down so

Why not start trying now and see where it takes us!! I am happy I found this app and brings me closer to others who are going through the same thing as me. It has been hard since every time I turn around there is a new baby announcement on Facebook or instagram!! Wish everyone the best and here is to

Our own little group. Can't wait to get to know everyone on here!!