

So, I don't know where else to post this, but I wanna vent, and <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> gave me a notification so, why not.

It's Cathy's boyfriend stewart again. and I'm going to tell her this in the morning but I don't wanna disturb her sleep.

firstly, context is important: Me and Catherine are on our first attempt at our relationship, the first time, she broke up with me, because I was her first good boyfriend and she felt it was too serious and she was confused and scared. so we ended it.

Our second attempt was ended by her "Friends". hence the title. 4 People. Telling her, the day before her exams, that she needs to dump me or they stop being her friends. Now important thing about Cathy, is growing up, she didn't have many friends, because of private things, but now she gets super clingy and deeply connected to all her friends. so 5 deeply rooted connections being threatened to be severed, before her exams? that stressed her out and we ended it. and we regretted it.

she passed her exams. she did great. we did the right thing. I did the right thing by ending it. but we let them win. so, when catherine came to me crying, saying that I was perfect in her eyes, and that she needs me just as much as I need her, and that this time, she wants us to be together and never separate. I couldnt ever say no to her. and I love her. and we agreed. nothing will stand between us

Fast forward to today.

I have... had. a great friend. so close we were like brother and sister, her name was Alexsus.


Her reasoning is that Catherine should have chosen me not her friends. and thinks she's a manipulative bitch. despite my arguments.

and so she gave me an ultimatum.

dump her or she isn't my friend

never guess what I chose.

hint. I'm a good boyfriend

and she hits me with this:l

"I fucking hate you. You are worse than my ex because at least he didn't pretend his lack of remorse like your fake sorry. You are the WORST best friend I have ever had. NEVER talk t o me again. I WASTED my life on you. Raw was right."

(Raw is her boyfriend)

and while it hurts like hell, and I literally can't reply to her, i know I made the right decision. I love Catherine, and I'm spending the rest of my life with this woman.

So don't be like this to your friends. Because its just sad for everyone.

if you read all of this, sorry for my sob story. 😅