How do y'all do it ?


Omg my morning Sickness is sooo bad I'm constantly gagging over my trash can at work . I'm an accountant so I have to be here everyday . All I want to do is quit my job and sleep ! How do all you other moms cope lol ??

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Posted at
Sea Bands, Jolly Ranchers, and Pink Stork Products


Ashley β€’ Aug 8, 2017
I fully and totally support you, ha!


Holley β€’ Aug 8, 2017
I legit went and bought a whole bag of jolly ranchers lol πŸ˜‚


Melissa β€’ Aug 8, 2017
Ooo Jolly Ranchers!


Posted at
I got put on Zofran with my 1st and also this pregnancy (my 4th pregnancy, but I'm having twins this time) which FOR ME was/is a miracle medicine! I'm not saying that it will work for everyone, but it sure helped me get thru my days! I was so sick with my 1st, I lost 35 pounds, was in the hospital for weeks at a time from dehydration and not being able to keep food down, and once i finally tried the Zofran i could eat and drink! i went from throwing up 10 times a day, to only throwing up once every couple days!!! I've been on it for a week this time around, and again its worked miracles. its easy to take, dissolves under your tongue. it works instantly.Aside from the medicine, Ginger also works !!ginger ale, ginger lollipops, ginger cookies...also the BRAT diet stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. hope one of these ideas work for to your doctor they can help you get the medicine or give you more ideas!πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–


Melissa β€’ Aug 8, 2017
I was so sick with my twins. Glad you found something that works!


KristineπŸ’‘πŸ€°πŸΌπŸ‘±πŸ»πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ‘§πŸΌtwin boys due 3/3/2018! β€’ Aug 7, 2017
i hope it does as well! unfortunately i think i have a long road of nausea ahead of me πŸ˜₯ but theres a big reward at the end of that road so im OK with it 😍😘


Holley β€’ Aug 7, 2017
The diclegis helps definitely . Some other symptoms are dying down a tad the closer I get to the second trimester I'm just going to hope morning sickness goes right along with it !


Posted at
I suffer and pretend everything is ok. Ugh.


Holley β€’ Aug 8, 2017
Lol this mad me laugh . Poor thing !


Posted at
I swear by my sea bands. They really do take that edge off! I also have to pee a lot in the middle of the night so every time I get up I eat 1-2 crackers so that when I get up in the morning I don't have an empty stomach. I also sip on ginger ale for the first couple of hours in the morning 😊


Melissa β€’ Aug 8, 2017
They don't work for me either. Keep trying other things!


Holley β€’ Aug 7, 2017
Sea bands do not work for me ! Ugh why!!??? Lol


Posted at
I froze pedialyte into ice cubes and suck on them! Helps keep the nausea at bay while hydrating. Also soda crackers and gingerale


Posted at
Unisom & vitamin B6 helped me. Today I took just B6 because I'm not that ill. I also chew a lot of gum, and am trying the ginger gum off Amazon for morning sickness. I'm thinking I'm buying some Jolly Ranchers tomorrow based on another comment though! Yum!


Posted at
lemon heads work like a charm


Holley β€’ Aug 8, 2017
Yuck I can't stomach those . My SO loves them !


Posted at
This is my third pregnancy but my first dealing with any kind of first trimester symptoms and let me tell you, they knocked me on my butt quick. My poor husband has been researching and buying anything under the sun that could possibly help me. Zofran works the best but isn't an end all be all solution for me. I still get sick when I take it sometimes. I have the bands, crackers, ginger pills, preggo pops, warheads, peppermints. It's no fun. I'm a SAHM and I have no idea how anyone could work going through this. All I can do is sit in my chair, run to the bathroom a few times a day and pray to God this sends soon!


Posted at
Oh, lemon helps too. Lime also. I just put a little lemon in water. πŸ‹


Holley β€’ Aug 8, 2017
Lemon does help ! I can put it in my water and it doesn't make me sick !


Posted at
What have you tried so far to help with it?


TMarie β€’ Aug 8, 2017


TMarie β€’ Aug 8, 2017
@caitlin what is your recipe? I don't want to add too much of something. But that sounds really good.


Holley β€’ Aug 7, 2017
It's my rainbow baby too πŸŒˆπŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ’—πŸ’—