Husband Suspicions

Little back story first. So my husband works at a wind turbine farm and works 6-3pm. We live about 20 minutes from the farm. There's literally only guys that work there. No females.

A few months ago my husband and his partner started going into work around 5:30 to do extra work and fix up some parts before they can go out into the field. Well recently he's been going in an hour early. He used to get up every morning at 4:50, leave by 5:15 at the latest to be there around 5:30 or so. Well now he's getting up at 4:15 and leaving by 4:30 to get there before 5. I understand he's trying to get as much overtime as possible since I'm not working but there's no way he's working at 5.

I asked him about it before, (oh little side note, we have an SUV and 2 street bikes. He usually takes one of the bikes but sometimes he'll take the SUV if he's running behind or what not.) So I asked him before about why he left early and he said he sleeps in the car because he couldn't get comfortable in the bed since our pit bull decided to sleep in our bed now.

Well I just don't really believe that. I don't necessarily think he's cheating or anything because he's never been that kind of person. His previous girlfriends always used to cheat on him so he has cheating issues I guess you can say. He's not being secretive with his phone or anything, I go thru it some times. He isn't working out more either, he's actually gained weight which is great because he was sick for a long time. He isn't doing anything that seems like he's cheating but I just can't figure out what he's doing for an hour before work.

He isn't watching porn when he goes. I check his internet history. There isn't anything suspicious on his phone either.

What else could it be? Whenever I try and tell him to stay home a little later or leave when he's supposed to he just says no I have to leave now. He always texts me when he gets to work too.(I get up when he does and open the gate for him and let the dogs out.) Sometimes he comes home late too but I know that they can get stuck at a turbine all day sometimes and his checks are reflecting the overtime.

What are your thoughts? I've considered following him to see where he goes but if he does go to work he'd know someone is following him because the farm is in the middle of nowhere.


His overtime that I'm referring to is from him staying later. He sometimes comes home an hour late as well. Also, I don't openly check his phone right in front of him. If I need to use his phone (some apps don't load on my phone so I have them on his) I'll check his internet. We have had an issue of porn watching where I don't think it's right and he denies watching it so that's why I check his history. If he's constantly watching it then it becomes a problem but he's only been watching it maybe once a week or sometimes hardly ever like once a month. We have sex pretty frequently so that's not an issue. I honestly don't suspect him of cheating I just don't know what he's doing at work so early because he can't start work if no one else is there. His partner sometimes goes in at 5:30 but that's the absolute earliest he can start work. That kinda sounds controlling and that's not how I mean it. Why I'm concerned is because if he takes one of the bikes, how is he sleeping in the car? He can't get his work truck keys until the shop opens which isn't until at least 5:30 so for 30 minutes he's sitting on his bike? I don't let the dog sleep in the bed, he does. She'll come up to his side and he'll let her up. I'll always tell her to go lay down or I'll physically take her to her bed but he still let's her sleep in the bed with us.

Sorry if this post is messed up now, my phone kept jumping around and over typing some words.