How soon is it safe?


How soon is it safe to bring a baby out in public? I've been planning on trying to work from home for the first three months but no body else seems to think that'll work (I work as an office manager for a family business, it would be really simple to do they just don't see it). However I am lucky enough to be able to bring my baby in to work with me since we'd be secluded in an office so I technically could only take 2-3 weeks off and start coming in with him.

This isn't preferable to me because I know baby's immune system isn't built up until they're about three month old and we get a lot of unhealthy people in a lot (we run a thrift store so we get a lot of people coming in that don't take the best care of themselves or smoke weed or cigarettes, I just don't want any of that affecting him since you can always smell smoke of any kind on someone).

This is my first kid so I may be a bit paranoid, I just like having plans and since my plan was shut down I'm trying to get a new one.