I am losing my mind

I am losing my mind. I just had a miscarriage a month ago and I can't control my emotions. I get mad easier and I just don't feel myself. My husband doesn't say much or try to help. I have tried talking to him and he tells me to stop crying or to just be calm. I honestly want a divorce. Our problems are getting out of control and all I think about is my angel. I don't even know were to start I just am losing all hope and I pray and pray but I am just getting to the point I want to just stay locked up in my room. I don't know how to shake this feeling. I feel so alone and that no one understands or I get people who say don't worry about it oh and my favorite one... It's not a big deal you can have another baby. I know I am selfish I wanted that angel. I want to hold them kiss them and just be there for them the good the bad and ugly. I wanted to hear the first words and their smile. The booboos that I would kiss. I feel so desperate. I can't even stop crying now. I don't ever think my husband will understand the love you have for an angel that you carry and then it gets taken away from you and all you imagine is the little body that has already stole your heart. I don't even want to love. I know I may be taking this to the extreme but this is how I feel. I just want to run away. 
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I wish that everyone could understand what we're going through, but they can't. Their words hurt, not because they're insensitive, but because you already know these things, thankyouverymuch, and it's not necessary to be reminded every time you bring your angel up. They were your baby, your love, your heart and soul, your dreams and desires, they were part of you, and now part of you is somewhere else. It's devastating and you would prefer a hug, a shoulder to cry on, some support and understanding over being told to "get over it" or "its not a big deal." It is a big deal, but not something to lose your mind over, love. Grieve for your baby and take the time you need to do so, in time you will move forward, your baby forever in your heart. There will always be those who don't understand. You've got to find your strength, for your angel baby and your family, because they need you to be strong for them. They need you to think of them, too. Hugs and strength for you momma. 💛 


Posted at
Plese do not keep like that. Reach for help support group or counsling centers, you can find them on school. Hospitals>> they offer free help.I went to my school counsling center and i thank god I did. It helped me relases some pain and share my feeling


Posted at
It's such a hard thing to deal with. I am so sorry for your loss. I've had 2 MC's, so although I don't know exactly what you're feeling, I can't relate. It sounds like you may need to reach out to someone who can provide you with some professional support - maybe your doctor, or a therapist? You deserve to get the help you need to help you through this. 


Natalie • Apr 5, 2015


Posted at
You are not selfish! Of course you wanted THAT specific baby! YOUR baby! Not just any baby. The one that was yours. Don't listen to anyone who hasn't gone thru this personally. And even some who have still don't understand because of different views. Your husband, like most, probably just can't comprehend what you are experiencing. He didn't have the changes in hormones. He may or may not have seen any real proof the baby was there. But you know. You felt it. I strongly encourage you to seek out some therapy. Or a support group. A hospital in my town offers pregnancy loss support group and ive gone twice. While it is very difficult to talk about and hear others stories, it's an amazing thing to be in a room where you know everyone here "gets it". It wouldn't be a terrible thing to maybe get an antidepressant for a little while. Call your OB. she might have a recommendation of support group or maybe a book that could help. She may even be able to prescribe an antidepressant. So sorry you are going through this and I hope you find some peace soon. 💗