please help! need advice...


The only thing I have ever really wanted out of life was two children. My husband was perfectly fine with this 2 years ago, was even fine with them being close in age. Our daughter will be 2 in October and he is now telling me he doesn't want another child and if he ever did it'll be a few years down the road. I've recently became depressed over the fact that he doesn't want to have another kid. He has been telling me for the last year we would if we can save money up first. I don't know what to do now. I know this sounds selfish but I'd do anything to have another child with him but I'm the only one who wants another one. I don't know what to do. I've honestly thought about just going and getting my tubes tied at this point because there is no point in keeping my hopes up. I've been off birth control for almost a year now. What do you other mother's think?