AF needs to stop messing with me...

Devan • Mama to my sweet 🌈 boy, Charlie. Mc 12/16. CP 4/17. D&C 12/17. PCOS. Hashimoto’s. Compound Heterzygous MTHFR. PAI-1 4g/4g

I'm on cd 35/14dpo(?) and AF was due 4 days ago. And nothing is happening. No AF, 3 BFNs (tested at 10dpo, 12dpo and 14 dpo). No strong symptoms of anything, either... With my last 2 bfp my boobs hurt from ovulation till the mc, and that's definitely not happening this time. Normally I'd be spotting and cramping pretty bad by now if AF were about to show up. And again, not the case this time. I've got very mild cramps, I'm nauseous, I'm peeing all the damn time (sorry!), I'm tired and I've got a ton of watery cm. Stupid PCOS. Stupid AF. If I'm not pregnant (which 3 bfn would seem to indicate) I just want AF to show so I can move on to my next cycle! Ugggghhh

Sorry for whining...