BFP after Laproscopy for Stage 3 Endo


BFP after trying for 1 year and 2 months! I want to share my story for those struggling with the same thing. I was diagnosed with stage 3 endometriosis in March 2017 and had a laparoscopy to remove adhesions and 2 small endometrioma "chocolate" cysts (one on each ovary). Stared letrozole with HCG trigger shot and timed intercourse after surgery. DH and I tried naturally for 2 of the months since surgery and had 3 rounds on the letrozole. I had just about given up hope after 2 cycles of letrozole and BFNs, but we got our BFP yesterday on our 3rd round of letrozole. Pregnancy tests were taken yesterday at 14dpo and I had my blood HCG today and it was at 166. God is good!