Baby girls Birth story


I went in on the Saturday that I turned 41 weeks at 8 am and was started on a pitocin drip. I slept through most of the morning because I hadn't gotten much rest the night before. When I woke up I was having frequent contractions that the monitor was picking up but I wasn't really feeling. The nurse checked me at 1 pm and I was at 3cm. I did some walking and bouncing on the ball. By 2 I was really feeling the contractions so I took a hot shower that helped me cope with the pain

at about 4:00 pm I couldn't take it anymore and not even the hot water was helping. I told my fiancé to tell the nurse to get me the nitrous oxide because I wanted to avoid the epidural but the pain was becoming unbearable. At around 410 pm Before giving me the nitrous oxide the nurse checked me and I was at 7 cm with a bulging bag! I got through a few contractions on the nitrous oxide but the contractions were getting so bad that it was getting hard to breath and I was feeling loopy and out of it. I gave into the pain and asked for the epidural I felt like I couldn't do it without it. The contractions were 1 to 2 minutes apart and 1 to 2 minutes long. The anesthesiologist took about an hour to get there and by the time he did I was ready to give up I just wanted the damn shot so bad! After the epidural I was checked again and I was at 9 cm the doctor busted my bag while checking me. At this point my contractions just felt like pressure and I was feeling much better. About thirty minutes after the doctor checked me i started feeling a lot of pressure like I needed to poop. I told the nurse and she checked me, I was at 9 1/2 cm, she told me not to push yet or else I would tear to just breathe through the contractions. I tried to not push for about 10 minutes but the pressure became so intense that I told the nurse that I NEEDED to push. She checked me again and I was ready to start pushing. I started pushing at around 5:20 pm and by 6:44 my baby girl was out. The pushing part was the hardest but it was all worth it when my baby girl was placed in my arms. Azaliah Gabriella Mendoza was born at 6:44 pm weighing 8 lbs 9 oz and measuring 18.5 inches.