Mucus plug

This is seriously TMI but I don't want to call my Dr if it's not even possible. With Baby 1 I had to deliver at 36 weeks because of a minor placental abruption. I'll be 36 weeks with baby 2 on Monday. Today I was talking to this girl about mucus plugs and I didn't really know anything about it so I looked it up. I read that you can lose your plug and continue to have the discharge for a while due to your cervix thinning. well I have a lot of discharge, like a lot. since about 3 months both times. I thought it was normal with baby 1. this time, I was thinking yeast infection but I don't have any other side effects of an infection. also, it said regular discharge has a little bit of an unpleasant odor. mine doesn't, it's odorless. so I have this thought, what if my cervix has been thinning out for months. maybe that's why I had a placental abruption with baby 1. so I'm a little worried now but I realize I might have no idea what I'm talking about. I just want some peice of mind.