Very worried and scared

Leah • Mom of 2 boys. Sage due 08/23/15. 🎀
Today I went in for my level 2 ultrasound because at my anatomy scan she was moving so much they couldn't get a good look at her heart and her pinkies looked fused. So I have the scan done today, another complete anatomy scan where the tech tells me her heart and everything look fine but her pinkies kind of curve in towards the top knuckle. The doctor came in and asked me if I knew why my OBGYN wanted me to have a level 2 ultrasound done and I told her because of the pinkies and because they didn't get a good look at her heart as she was moving so fast. I guess the pinky thing is an indicator that she may have Down syndrome. I freaked out. My previous blood results put me in 1 out of 330 but this puts me at a higher risk, although the doctor also showed me that her pinkies are just like my daughters and more than likely it's just that due to the fact that there have been no children with birth defects nor genetic defects in our family that would be of cThe oncern. But I'm still terrified. They had me take a blood test which will give me a 90% result either way. But I have to wait 10-14 days for those results to come in. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm only 29 (just turned 29 on the 1st). I'm trying not to stress but it's very very hard. I feel like I did something wrong somehow... I could use prayers and I'll definitely keep updates once I find out if you guys want me to. I'm just praying for the best. 🙏🙏
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Downs is determined by chromosomes in the egg or sperm before fertilization even takes place. There is absolutely nothing you could've done to cause or prevent an issue. Don't blame yourself. Hopefully it'll be nothing. My mom was told I was deformed bc my toes look weird. Nope, just weird toes! 


Posted at
Great news. I know it's been awhile since I've had the time to come on but I DID get the results of the test back and no Down's syndrome. AND just because techs can technically be wrong (even though you can clearly see) it is DEFINITELY A BABY GIRL!! 🎀👶🏻


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Just for those of you who have been keeping up tomorrow is 2 weeks and I still haven't heard anything back. I've called a few times but i ALWAYS get mailbox to just leave a message in. It's becoming more worrisome and unfortunately the stress level I have here is not making things easier.


Posted at
It's been seven days since I had the blood test so I'm going to call. See if the results are in. I'm keeping faith and praying, but having a hard time keeping my clinical depression, and panic disorder under control. Thanks for all the support! ☺️


Posted at
My pinkies curve imward and so do my moms and we're both normal :) don't worry too much! I would rely on results of genetic testing more than I would an ultrasound. There have been so so so many cases where the ultrasound said one thing but baby comes out perfect 


Posted at
When my mother was pregnant with me they were determined I was going to have Down syndrome right up until birth.... They had taken all measures with extra doctors in the room and everything; expecting that I would. But I was perfectly healthy! Weighing 8lbs 😊have faith! 🙏