Should I just move on


So I've been talking to this guy for a week. He's really been wanting to meet. So on Friday he asked to come by my place for a visit. So it takes a little while before is say ok. I figure we could talk outside in his car and he agreed. I thought it would be awkward if he came into my house since I live with my parents and they were home. (My mom is disabled, so I help her out around the house and they're going to help me financially once I'm so officially out of a job in a couple of weeks.) He wanted to take a shower first, so I told him to text me when he was on his way so I could give him my address. So an hour passes and I text him to see what's going on. No reply and he has the setting on his iPhone on that shows when he reads his messages. So I wait about 10 more minutes and I check to see if it still says delivered. It does. Which means he hasn't read it. About another 10-15 minutes he text me to tell me his nephew bet him to the shower, he was just getting out and he still want to see me. At this point it's almost 10:30 pm, so I'm like it's late maybe another day. I'm upset and trying to calm down, but I don't tell him that. He apologizing and sends crying face emojis. I just tell him I've had a busy day and was tired. Our conversation just ends there. He didn't text at all yesterday. And now I'm not sure what to do. I thought he would be different. On his profile for Plenty of Fish, he has that he's looking for someone to marry. So I thought this is someone who is looking for something serious. That's why I decided to take a chance.

Also, I haven't exactly told him that I won't have a job soon because I didn't want to give him the impression that I'm looking for someone to take care of me financially. I did plan on telling him, I just wanted to wait until after we first meet.