Pre-ejaculation (pre-cum) swimmers


4-6 days after fertile window ended. (Not sure when i ovulated).

Male also had not ejaculted since friday. He has been pee since them wherefore any reming sperm would have died or been flushed or killed out with urine.

This is my cm:

Cervix is up to/little past first knuckle on middle finger.

He wore a condom. Did NOT finish- at all. I'm afraid (it my first time) that pre-cum got into me either my tear in condom (though i don't think there was one) or was on outside of condom.

Got dressed in my leggings/undies. Laid on my stomach on his knees/legs. He put his penis between my breast. Smooshed breath together and shook them and came from that. Most ejaculation got on him or on my breast. I know it highly unlikey that could get you pregant as i was fully clothed on my.bottom half.

Again boyfriend went pee before so i would think any left over sperm from friday night via mastubation would have been killed off or flushed/killed from pee.

Again DIDNT finish when in me. only worried about pre-ejacultion/pre-cum/ male arousal fluid here folks.

Again he WORE a condom

Please don't conjole, ridicule, tease, lecture, yell, or belittle me or say i can't have autism because i can spell and write- etc.

Please don't answer yes to be annoying, a troll, or rude (though i cant stop you)

Posted from a person with high medical anxiety and high function autism.

Thank you for your time.

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