Welcome to the world handsome


Well it felt like it was never going to be my turn to write my birth story but it finally happened and man has it been a doozy. August 8th started out as a normal day where I went to work and was waiting to go to my last prenatal appt. When 10am came around I was in the doctor's office and had high blood pressure that didnt seem to be going down. We had a plan set for me to go in on August 13th to be induced so I didn't think anything of it and knew that an end was in sight. Well my doctor came in and wanted me to go to the birthing center just to be monitored for an hour. Sure, okay I can do that but I also wanted to go back to work to get some things crossed off....well that didn't go as planned. My blood pressure wasn't going down and since I was so close to my induction date my doctor figured just to admit me and get it all started. By now it was noon. I called my husband to leave work and he arrived by 1pm. At 230pm they started the induction by putting a thinning pill (cant remember the name) behind my cervix, 6 hrs goes by and it didnt work so they try it again and still nothing. So they tried thr cervodil and all throughout the night it was by far the worst cramps ever. They never gave me a moment to catch my breath so sleep was awful and of course you can only lay in certain positions because of the awful baby monitors on your tummy. By 7am my doctor comes in and notices my little boys heart rate kept going down during recent contractions so he said a c section is the best option we have since we know the baby is still healthy. By 9am I am getting prepped and the OR id absolutely terrifying...but all I could do was breath and hold my husbands hand. By 923am on August 9th my handsome son was born. Elijah William Walton, 7 pounds and 15 ounces of pure perfection and 20 inches long. My husband watched the whole thing and he was one proud daddy when he laid eyes on our son. I went in to be monitored just to have my son within 22 hrs, it was quote a roller coaster lol and the first week home definitely takes some getting used to it. Good luck to the rest of you xx