Prenuptial agreement


Ladies I'm really struggling. My fiancé and I are to get married in less than a month. He's the love of my life, my number one confidant, and truly my best friend. He is a Doctor and makes a lot of money....and is extremely protective of said money. Understandably because he has worked so hard to get to where he is in life. He recently told me he wanted me to sign a prenup before getting married. Ouch. It's not that I'm not a realist....I am fully aware that divorce is a thing and it happens to some really wonderful couples. That being said.....ouch. Legally, I had to have my own separate lawyer be my advisor for the prenup. The prenup basically read that I would get nothing should we divorce, not the house, not any amount of money, not a dang thing. I'm hurt. Our plan is for me to stay home and raise our children because I have a very modest career compared to his so it only makes sense. So when they are babies, I will be home, which ultimately makes me less marketable when I go to get a job again. I revised the prenup and didn't ask for any of his retirement, not half of the bank account, but a very small amount of spousal support for a period of time on the off chance that we should get a divorce when I am unemployed with a baby at home. The spousal support means virtually nothing if I am working and making a livable amount of money again. He's ANGRY about my asking for spousal support. I'm hurt the prenup even exists. We have discussed this topic TO DEATH and it's really taking a toll on us with our wedding just around the corner. What are your thoughts on this? I ultimately am madly in love with him but I'm also not going to be a dumb woman who is just 29 and in love and sign something that could hurt 50 year old me. I also put in there that the prenup is null and void after 15 years of marriage. Which he is okay with. Thoughts? And lady doctors out there or stay at home moms who wouldn't mind being honest with me?