Very Unexpected 😱👶🏽


39 weeks ! Contractions started at 2 am, Aug 26,2017.... (Due date Aug 31st) Just laying down and kept feeling some pain, tightness and cramps , but I ignored it. I finally sat up & pain didn't go away, I started timing and woke up my boyfriend and next thing you know I'm at the hospital. Monday I was 3 cm, they checked me around 4 am today and almost 6 cm.( I wanted a natural birth ) but had to get the epidural because my blood pressure was too high. Next thing you know 9cm (and now he's here

6 hours in labor / Born at 8:25 : 6lbs 4oz .

I'm so happy and sad at the same time because my family has to leave me at 7:00 due to the lockdown because of the stupid Hurricane.