Blown stitch/infected c-section? TMI pics


So I'm five weeks post c section and have been feeling great since week 2. I've gotten lazy checking my incision because it's caused me nonissues and always looked great. All of the rest of it is healed but noticed today before my shower it looked like this:

And this after shower:

It wasn't like this a few days ago. Is it infected? Did I blow a stitch? Need to call the doctor Monday and go in early? Not due for my check up til the 5th. The pink bump under it is partially a stretch mark but might be worse now? It doesn't itch, hurt, feel hot, or anything else. But definitely looked like dried pus in the first picture.

Anyone else's looknlike this? The rest is totallynclosed and healed. Also, what can I put on it besides soap and water? Polysporin?