it wont fit? (TMI AHEAD🚧)


so im in highschool and my boyfriend is a grade above me. him and i are very sexual and we have had oral sex with one another multiple times and has even titty fucked me (im a 32A so anything is possible ladies) and he finished in my mouth. he came over the other day and he wanted to see if he would fit in me. i have never used a tampon before because im too scared and i have a weird vagina and i cant find the hole and i dont want to look for it while im bleeding. so anyway he didnt bring a condom so we tried multiple ways, and he is about 6in and very thick and im 5'1 and extremely tiny so i knew it wouldnt fit. he tried anyway and it just wouldnt go in, so im not sure what to do? im not ready to have sex yet and he agrees with that and respects that but i still want it to fit, so... help?