The Moment You Met 'The One'

Charli • ♡ Married to the love of my life 💍💑❤ • Lover of Life • Follower of Christ ♡

Right now I am currently single and proud but I desire a relationship in the future. But I love hearing love stories. So ladies, tell me about the first moment you met the love of your life or how your person became 'The One' and advice you have for women like me that are confidently single but still wish for that someone to come along... Loves and Hugs!

UPDATE: When I posted this, I wouldn't beleive I was going to find the man that God would bring into my life. We met on Match and have talked non-stop ever since and he has been everything I ever hoped for in a man...Thank you for all of your advice, you are all amazing women and your advice was ultimately true and definitely a blessing! Thank you! (It still feels surreal to be honest lol!)

UPDATE #2: Unfortunately the update fell apart after a few months...It was very one sided and I was discouraged. So I tried a matchmaking service and that was a scam, then this year I tried, not really taking it too seriously or actively looking, and that's when he came. This amazing, fantastic, understanding, beautiful old soul of a guy. We plan on getting married next year! I never thought I would have a love like this, but this is the real deal, I can't picture my life without him. We're interracial, but love doesn't see color. I couldn't be happier to marry the love of my life and spend the rest of my life with him ❤❤❤ Now I TRULY know what you guys mean, as we BOTH feel the same way.