Brother In Law WONT leave

Okay so this is kind of a long story..
My husband and I got married 11/12/16. And in January my brother in law texted my husband that him and his wife were separating. At the time he was an alcoholic so encouraged my husband to drink with him and get wasted and bitch about his wife. Well he eventually got sober, started to go to meetings and now is addicted to that. But my brother in law will not move out now. He won't let me plan meals to cook for my family, I haven't really gotten to enjoy being married to my husband living on our own. He doesn't have a job, is picky about where he wants to work, and he's not good and holding jobs down. 
Recently he got a job for a trucking company, were thrilled because now he's not going to be eating all of our food, and hopefully moving out soon. He doesn't have any plans to leave. He brings his two daughters over almost every weekend and expects us to change plans to do things with them. I am getting my masters degree and I can only do homework on the weekends, and his girls constantly annoy the hell out of me and he leaves them with us for him to attend his meetings and go out with friends. Our son recently started kindergarten and he has homework now, but my son isn't interested because there's constantly something going on at our house. 
I want him gone, I've told my husband and he's like just wait till he gets a job, I'm like ok, then he will spend all his money going out with friends and continue bringing his girls over only to move out when? Like I said he has no plans to leave!!!  We have been trying to conceive baby #2 for 2 years now, and I feel like my husband is more worried about his well being, saying he helps out so much around the house, he cooks, he cleans (dishes only ), mows the lawn. But he gets mad (brother in law) when I attempt to do these things. He says his brothers meals are delicious but doesn't give me the same comments. I'm pissed, I want to be his wife, not his brother!  To top it off, I found out their mom has been paying my brother in law $2000 a month to live, why can't he fucking move out! 
I need help in figuring out a way to give me my space back, my home, my husband. I'm fed up, we always have to change plans for him, I can't even make coffee with him not drinking it all before I get a cup.  Critiques my choice in foods, like yesterday I wanted to start ordering hello fresh, he's like how can you guys as picky eaters want to do that, just find receipts and I'll cook. OMG stop, this isn't your fucking home, just leave!!!!!! He's the reason we aren't able to conceive. He's the reason I haven't been able to live married with my husband, he's driving me insane. 😭😭😭