
Hey all. It is coming down to the wire for me.i have worked a dead end job for too long and now i am turning 26 soon and need to (1) figure out my health insurance and (2) figure out a job/career. I am so lost and dont know what to even dream anymore for my future. I do not feel like I even have one, or that this world is not meant for me to be in it anymore. Finances and financial strain makes me hopeless and suicidal, and after a recent trip to my therapist, i dont feel i can trust her or rely on her anymore for help emotionally. She defended my mom when my mom didnt tell me the cost of staying on her insurance, and now i am scrambling at the last minute to find an alternative when i was asking for the cost the whole last year. Im tired of this and my parents poor communication with finances. It hurts and i need help an dont know where to turn anymore. Thanks all. Have a good day.