Faint line or evap and breastfeeding


Any breastfeeding mothers have trouble getting positives on HPt? I'm almost 7 months pp and feel out of it and sick. Had unprotected intercourse with hubs 4 weeks ago. Took a test about 2 weeks ago and it was neg but took one last night again. I looked at quick and I know I thought "is that a line?" but set it down and fell asleep. This morning I see what could be a line but could easily be an evap. It's a cheap Walmart test. I don't feel well enough to get to a store and get a digital or a another test so I'm looking for some convo about this topic until then. Is 4 weeks after INTERCOURSE too late to be getting negatives/faint lines if pregnant? I don't want to be preg, but if it happened it happened. I can post the pic of my two tests if anyone wants to see but they were taken way after the time frame.