
Can someone please help me!! Since I removed my nexplanon last year in august...I've been having very painful..excruciating...ready to rip my uterus out cramps. Before my first period I though I was just constipated so I went to the er for them to tell me that I was blocked. But turned out after a week the pain stopped and I started my period. Which made me think it was menstrual cramps. After that first period after being on birth control the pain happened happened before my period every few months. Now here it is a week before my period and the pain is just like they were a year ago..READY TO RIP OUT MY UTERUS!! The cramps feel like I'm about to go into labor (I've never had a baby) I get a cramp that lasts between 5-10min every few hours..I get them most when my body is at rest. When the cramps happen I get very hot...I get nauseous..and it feels like I have to push out poo but nothing coming out. I've took 3-4 pamprin pills several times with no relief..Now I've never had cramps when I was a teen before I was put on birth control. What could be causing this?? Help me!!!