Verbal Abuse...

I've been with my husband for about 4 years and we have a 7 month old. Well we're now expecting baby #2 some time in April. I work full time and he goes to school full time. He doesn't work. To go on what happened last Friday we were just getting home from his great aunts party. He's already had 3 glasses of wine. He starts talking about how hard the spring semester is going to be. So I suggested he take online classes. He gets upset and goes off on how he can't do that. So i just remain silent after that. As we're walking to our home he looks at me and says are you going to say anything. I just stayed quiet, I already knew he was agitated. I don't know why but he started gas lighting me and began pushing my buttons. He started making things up in his head and accused me of calling him a loser, which I never did. I told him I do not want to fight. "leave me alone". He continued. I'm so hormonal and got so agitated by his comments I throw the baby bottle onto the ground. I knew I shouldn't have done that. But then he goes off that he's going to leave me that I'm such a psychotic bitch. That when he's done with school he'll be making more money than me. He said he was going to cheat on me. Then goes off saying fuck you you dumb bitch. all this and I'm pretty sure our neighbors heard him. I ended up putting the baby to sleep and went to bed crying. He later on came to bed apologizing. well anyway here I am awake at 1:30am on a Tuesday still thinking about it. I don't think I can continue on like this. He's done this before in the past. need support