I was scheduled for a c section August 18th at 39 weeks

I was scheduled for a c section August 18th at 39 weeks. I arrived at 10:30 am, got my IV, met the surgical team and then it was a waiting game until everyone was ready to go. At around 3:00pm I was in the operating room. I was so anxious I asked the anesthesiologist for something to calm my nerves but he refused until baby was out. The spinal took awhile, they kept asking me if I felt the cold pack they placed on my legs and I kept telling them yes, I could also move my toes. They didn't believe me until they started cutting and I was screaming. They placed a mask on my face and I went to another world for a little while. Ryder Levi was born st 3:20pm weighing 7lbs 2oz, 19.5" long. He is so incredibly handsome. I would do it all over again even though it was the scariest thing I've ever experienced and I'm glad I never have to experience it again, he's my last baby, it's bittersweet!