how common is DV?

has you or anyone you know been effected by domestic violence?

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My wife was physically and emotionally abused by her ex. It left her with a lot or scars both ones I can see and ones I can't. She was with him for a long time and blames herself for not leaving him or stopping what was happening even though she knows that it's not always so easy to do so. She stayed with him for years until she finally got the courage to leave him. Even though she tries very hard to not let it, sometimes her past with him bleeds into our relationship. When it does I know I just need to be patient and supportive with her. She has recently started going to a therapist to deal with her abuse and it does seem to be helping her. We've been together for over a year and she's been getting progressively better and better but I know that she will never be able to be completely free of what happened to her. But she tries and I love her for it.


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I know a few women irl who've been abused. Two by their husbands and one by her boyfriend. One of them was raped by her husband and the other got raped by her boyfriend. All three of them were physically abused as well.When I was 15,I was in an abusive LDR(long distance relationship) with a guy my age. He cheated on me for an entire month with another guy and falsely accused me of cheating on him and claimed I never loved him. Hell,he would threaten to kill himself if he thought I was leaving him.He would get insecure if I wasn't online. He would apologize many times. He made promises he would never keep like staying loyal to me and treating me nicely.He left me for the guy he was seeing behind my back and made false claims that I was only with him for attention and this made me shake and tremble whilst crying. The morning after the break up,I had a stomachache,chest ache and appetite loss. I went to school shaken up and I was trying to hold back my tears but it failed.Came home and my mom was concerned. Told her I was dumped but not the fact I was cheated on and mistreated. She got pissed. She told me not to contact him anymore and not to go back to him.I cried over him for three fucking months. He mistreated me,lied to me,cheated on me, and he even called me a slut and a whore right after he left me. He pushed me away whenever I was trying to take him back after his boyfriend left him in November. Said he'd take me back but instead went to another guy and said he no longer had feelings for me. I cried so much. I was oblivious of his mistreatment until I saw videos on dating violence and realized. Fuck,I had desires to kill myself during those three months. I once put a sharp object near my throat but pulled back right away. I do regret not leaving him and not seeing the red flags.I cut off contact with him in 11th grade because I refuse to be haunted by that relationship. He can't hurt me anymore. He lost someone special and that's me:the girl who would always talk him out of suicide. The boyfriend I have now knows about this. My muffin would never hurt me the way he did.


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Both sexually and emotionally/verbally


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Emotionally & psychically. Lucky I ended the relationship before it could get any worse. God knows where I'd be now if I hadn't got out.


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I was abused physically (being hit, punched, strangled, ect), emotionally, mentally, spiritually. Pretty much every way except sexually. I have complex trauma now because of it.


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I was emotionally and physically abused.


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I was, physically and emotionally. Most people I know were victims of abuse at some point during their life, either by a lover or by a parent. In fact, now that I think about it, every person I associate with on a daily or weekly basis was abused at some point, most of them as children.


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Its way more common than we think. My sons father was abusive in all of those ways


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My parents divorced because of it. Both my mom and my dad were abusive towards one another. Physical and emotionally. It's quite common, unfortunately.