I'm fuming pissed!!!!


Hi ladies. Just needed to vent.

I made my daughter and so a lunch for his work, her first day of school last night.

I stayed up and made cookies and muffins, they both got cut up mango, both got bell pepper, (he had ranch for his) sandwiches, and he got chips.

I worked my butt off to make them a healthy, and tasty lunch.

For my so I put the mango and ranch in two seperate tubberware containers (they were small ones) so that it didn't leak and would stay fresh.

I know for a FACT that the mango I cut up was ripe and ready for eating.

I just got a message from my so saying "thanks for putting the unripe mango in my lunch. Just had to clean my lunch box"

Not a thank you. Not a damn anything but that.

He does this all the time when I make his lunch. I'm so sick of it.

He can make his own damn lunch from now on instead of always bagging on the one I make for him.