i just dnt know anymore

been married 5 years have 2 kids one on the way and i just feel like we should seperate after our 3rd is born. i am not happy i have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and i know he is the one that made me get it. im not the perfect wife i seem to not get anything right in his eyes. all he ever does is complain complain complain. if its not the food its the kids being loud or the house not being completely spotless. he compare me to his mother but news flash im not his momma he will never find anyone to put up with his shit. like i do. i just feel so overwhelmed. i either am lazy or a moocher but i am wrong in the sense that i want to go back to work after i get the ok with my dr. i spend too much time with my mom but when im with him all he ever does is play the game, watch tv, and or sleep so we are stuck here like dummies waiting to see if he has time for us. oh by the way he has talked to women ever since we got married but promised so many times to stop...it has gotten physical at times last time it did he slapped me infront of his mom because she didnt open the door so that i could leave my kids with her so that i could go pick him up from work where we bothed worked but i had gotten the day off cuz i had to take care of my boys. so i knocked and knocked on her room door (she was living with us) she never answered even tho the light was on so i had to take them with me and it was cold. so when we came back he was mad that i took them outside cuz they were sick and i was like your mom didnt answer the door so what was i supposed to do at that time they were only 18months i wasnt going to leave them alone. so my mother in law was like i didnt hear you and i was like really cuz i knocked 5 freaken times... she mad an ugly face at me so i went to the kitchen and started to make him a plate then he started yelling and i was already pissed cuz they made it seem like i was lying so he got up to my face and started yelling at my face and so did i so then he slapped me. i got my fone called my mom to pick us up she was 30 min away and during that time my MIL was like you arent a decent women cuz u dnt know when to shut up....skip a few days i went back yea i know what a dumb ass fast foward to know im 9mnth pregnant about three weeks ago i caught him tlking to other fucking bitches which i did call out and now im here not satisfied because he said for us to wait to get a divorce after we do our taxes but honestly i think we can still do them even if we seperate now right? oh and there is more to this bs of a marriage but i would honestly need to write a book for it to get it all out....so now im here just wondering and thinking of how i would go upon talking to him i really wanna wait till i have my baby and tell him to get that paternity leave and move with his brother now that his mom is here with him. i just want him to be there for the birth and not take that moment away from my baby and him even tho he doesnt deserve it. and i