Honest Opinion What Should i do

Cheyanne • Laugh.Love.Sing.Live

So my husband and i are newly married(4months) but we have been together for 7 years and now we have two kids. Growing up i was always surrounded by family its what im use to. He just grew up with his bro father and mom. Im A SAHM and he works 12s 7am to 7pm so im at home all day cause he takes the car So I do the cooking making his lunch, cleaning, washing, watching and feeding the kids, helping with his film buisness (behind the camera, editing films and scripts and photography). I love being at home with my babies but i miss my family and ever time i bring it up he starts this full on unnecessary argument. he has never been close with my family but isnt willing to try and build a relationship with them either. When it comes to his family im not close with his father but his mother and i have built a relationship over time. On the weekends if we are not home we go see. his mom and spend time there or drive out to see his father and brother who lives 2 hours away. My family always asks me when are you all coming to visit and i tell them we arent cause my husband is either working or uncomfortable with the ride. When we do go we are always on the clock with him at every chance looking at the clock or has his face in his phone even when ppl are trying to talk to him. Both his and my family has put us through some rough patches but my family he won't give the time of day. He will ask what does he gain from that or he doesn't feel like wasting his off days i don't know anymore. He just told me that since he can't offer what i want to find the exit and that im not what he wants. I've been trying to compromise i feel like i have. Am i being selfish? Am i wrong ? I just feel alone and don't know what to do