Sexism Stories (feel free to share yours)


A couple days ago I was at my grandparents house with my Dad and little brother. We all decided to go golfing. When we got there I realized men golf from anywhere from 50 - 100 f away. Now me as a almost 13 year old girl I know what sexism is.

So I did want I wanted and told my dad I wanted to golf where the men golf. He told me no. But still after they were done their shoots I took my ball and tee and stuck it in the ground. My dad yelled at me and told me "You're grounded when we get back!"

This for one pissed me off because by not allowing me to golf where the men golf, made me feel some how to weak to hit a ball that far. We girls should be able to golf where we want!

Please share you're Stories of sexism.