Did you feel pressured on how you should feed your baby?

I feel like society or certain people heavily pressure pregnant mothers how they should go about feeding their child. I see more currently and especially on glow that women really heavily pressure mothers into breastfeeding and pretty much shame any mother who doesnt choose to breastfeed. I've also seen it the other way as well where people make women feel so ashamed about breastfeeding in public and make it this big taboo thing so I feel like the ideology also pressures women into choosing formula. Either way it's like you can't win with this subject. You get shamed to hell if you don't breastfeed because "breast is best" and you get shamed to hell if you do in front of other people because "it's sexual". You get shamed for not using formula because "ew a baby on boobs is gross". You get shamed no matter what you choose and you get frowned upon by choosing either. Did you ever feel like because of this shame society has created about how women choose to feed their children that you've been pressured into picking one as a result of it even if it's not what you probably would have chose or stuck with otherwise? Share your thoughts

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