I know it's snobby as hell...

I was a huge know it all in school. I learned to read at age two, I was a literary arts major in high school, and I rarely ever use text lingo because it annoys me, but I've been trying not to be so much of a grammar Nazi to other people, ever since I read something online that said you shouldn't tease someone for mispronounced words because it means they learned them from reading - and then logic followed that you shouldn't tease someone for misspelling a word because it means they learned it by actually talking to people (I'm less good at this than I am at spelling). That said, every time I see someone on here saying they "balled [their] eyes out" I want to respond with a gif from American Horror story with the melon baller and the eyeballs... The word you are looking for is spelled b-a-w-l-e-d. From "bawl," meaning "to cry." Am I a horrible person? Particularly since most of the women saying this are probably pregnant and hormonal or getting autocorrected...