God's meaning of LOVE!

MommaBrew • Jesus Loving, Homeschooling, Hubby obsessing, Beautiful kid making Superhero
I often see polls or debates about homosexuality and within those debates people will often say "How can you call yourself a Christian when you are against homosexuality and God is all about LOVE". 
I think clarification needs to be made. I can LOVE a person and dislike their what they do. Just because I don't agree with homosexuality doesn't mean that I HATE the homosexual. I LOVE everyone regardless of their particular sin taste but as a Christian I have to stand up for the word of God and speak HIS truth. It doesn't mean that I hate you, it means that I love you enough to tell you the truth even if you don't want to hear it at the moment. I wish people would understand that. 
Everyone has their own sin appetite and if someone came and told me what I was doing was against the word of God, I'm sure I wouldn't like it but I would love them and appreciate them for telling me because that's what LOVE is. If I didn't care I wouldn't say anything.