Baby's father not spending time with her..

So I have a 6 week old baby girl and I love her to death.. her father works 6 days a week one week and only 4 days the next week. So he gets 3 days off in a row. He says that "he tries to spend as much time with her as possible." But whenever he's off.. he's on the computer. ALL the time. And I literally sit next to him on our bed with our baby. I'll ask him to change her, and he does. BUT most of the time he doesn't do anything else. Doesn't really hold her. Won't give her a bath. And won't help put her to sleep. I understand that he wants to play the game all the time but I'm starting to feel like.. God forbid, a single parent. And when I try to bring it up to him and ask him to spend some time with her he gets mad at me and yells at me. Saying that he does try. He also doesn't even spend time with me anymore.

I plan EVERYTHING. Including visits with HIS side of the family so that they can see our baby. He barely puts any effort into anything that deals with our baby. I am over the top mad.. sorry for the rant.. I just needed to get this off my chest.