bf making me feel insecure.

so my bf and i have sex. like twice a month. is this normal first of all? like i have a higher sex drive than he does but to the point we only have sex 2 times out of the whole 30 days? it makes me feel like he's not attracted to me. so one of these two days that we were having sex, i randomly asked him why he never asks for a bj. i was about to do it but he didn't seem into it. so i asked. anyway, he told me "im just not a bj guy" like wtf. is that even a thing? i mean i DONT LIKE GIVING THEM but i will if i know he liked it. you know. i mean im probably not the best at it either but if he told me what he liked and he didn't it would make it much easier. anyway i stopped bugging him about it. but it still bothers me. btw there's not a possibility he's cheating. that's out the question. he blames it on stress but i don't know how to help him. im i alone on this? lol