Planned pregnancy but!?

So we tried for 3 months to get pregnant, my husband brought the idea up first, I wasn't to sure on it right way but eventually it did grow on me and I got excited about expanding our family together, now 27 weeks pregnant with our (3rd girl) we have been fighting this entire time literally and it's killing me because i thought this was going to be a happy time, my first daughter is from someone else, 2nd daughter is his but he was in jail for my entire pregnancy, so this time I was really excited for him being here going thru it all but the fights are getting worse and I feel like I'm doing this alone. When we fight he sleeps downstairs for days doesnt talk to me for days, and I try to talk to him and make up he just responds " get out of my face and leave me alone" this time I just feel like leaving cuz it's so unhealthy and I'm tired of this no communication marriage, I try but it doesn't even matter: he tell me " I can communicate with everybody else but you so obviously your the problem" and it's been like this for along time. How can a marriage be good with none?