a woman flirted with my man right in front of me 🙄


yesterday i went to a pool party with my husband and my sister and when we got in the pool we started playing water football. I started noticing this girl excessively touching on my husband and what not. so I tried to be closer to him but he didnt give me any attention bc he was so in the game. so eventually i got out and this girl would not stop. she even let her pants keep falling and showed her ass about 5 times no lie. I was sitting next to the pool with my sister just laughing and watching this girl act ridiculous around my husband and the other guys as well. at first i was unbothered because he was just trying to play the game. but the more i thought about it the more it pissed me off because she clearly knew i was with him and I can't stand how women can do that. the disrespect was real. He's mad that I didn't say anything to him until after the party was over. But i was never in the situation before i had no idea how to react. Thoughts?? EDIT we are always happy together so I'm not worried about it anymore. Thanks for your responses ladies I love them lol