How to tell the difference.. discharge/ amniotic fluid


So at a little over 33 weeks obviously I am so ready for this to be over lol. I just wanna hold my little nugget. However I'm not hoping for a premature baby with tons of health issues and scares/ just one that's ready and wouldn't mind slipping on out a teensy bit before 40 weeks, haha.

ANYWAY..... I'm examining every symptom now since I know it could happen basically whenever. How do I tell the difference between normal 3rd trimester discharge and/ or amniotic fluid leaking? I'm not quite at every week appts so I don't wanna call the doctor constantly just to get told "oh that's normal."

This is my first pregnancy and I know just about everyone will be like "it's your first pregnancy and first babies are always late," but no they're not lol. And I was my moms first and I was a week and a half early. Heard that it's genetic too. Don't know if that's true.

Thanks for the help!