Unfaithful husband :(

**LONG POST** need advise 😞

My boyfriend and I have been together 4 years we have a beautiful little boy together and I am currently pregnant with our 2nd. Last year around thanksgiving of 2016 I was using his phone and seen he had TONS of escort sites and profiles in his history! Now I'm not new to this getting cheated on thing so I knew if I were to bring it up now he could just lie about it and delete it all before I got answers so I started to dig more into his phone and seen 100s of blocked numbers and I started to google search the numbers and 95% of his blocked folder is all prostitutes !!! I then plug his phone to our computer and retrieve any and all deleted messages and omg were there thousands ! I didn't know what to do my chest literally felt like it dropped to the floor. The next day I confronted him with all my evidence and he immediately gets defensive and throws his phone and says it wasn't him he wasn't talking to anyone and dosnt know how the sites got in his history smh stupid me just gives him the benefit of the doubt and forgets about it....now fast forward to April of 2017 i decided to look through his phone ( which I know never turns out good ) and low and behold there are 100s of new blocked numbers all prostitutes again BUT no history of him visiting sites so I plug his phone in to our computer and there are texts dating from right after I confronted him the first time up until now I was shocked upset hurt and distraught I didn't know what to do. I sat him down and simply told him look I know your cheating on me with these woman again I seen everything you can't lie anymore! And he breaks down crying and says he only texts them and he never met up with any( which I don't believe considering the content of some of the messages exchanged ) and when I asked him why he did it like was I doing something wrong? Did he no longer feel happy? Like what was it and all he said was " I don't know why I did it honestly there isn't a reason" and that's when I got a really big sinking feeling in my chest.....how could someone I love so much do something like this to me and our family and say he dosnt even have a reason he just did it........that hurt to the core!!! I told him I didn't want to be with him anymore! The trust was gone! And of course he started crying and begging and said he would do anything to fix this...I agreed and said if you prove to me you will change I will consider taking you back and since then the only thing I seen was he had a blocked number from a prostitute from June she was located in the area where he was taking his EMT refresher and I recognized the number right away because he frequently texted and searched for this specific girl countless times before and a number texted him one morning saying "so you don't want to see me anymore" smh I'm just so confused my son loves his father he's only 2 and when his dad works 24hr shifts (EMT shifts) he cries for him and his dad is the first person he looks for in the morning and last person he asks for at night and it would kill me to see my son hurt from me leaving his father and I still love his dad with all my heart ( stupid I know ) but I just can't trust him anymore. It's now September of 2017 and I haven't seen anything since June and idk if he's just gotten smarter with hiding it or maybe there just isn't anything to find because he is trying to change? Idk because my trust is literally at -100 right now. I have a tracker on his phone to locate him at all times and I still can't help but think he's doing something! I'm loosing my head here......... I know most of you ladies will say I should have dropped him long ago ... I know I should have but it's not always that simple when there is a child involved... soon to be two! Please any advise from woman who ACTUALLY been through a cheating husband/boyfriend And were able to get past it and trust him again? I really want to try for my kids.... because now I feel like if I don't get advise or help I may just drive him away again with all my accusations because I literally question everything he does now...I can't help it! Please anyone with REAL advise oh and P.S I went on his fb and decided to delete some girls that he had relations with in the past and he literally got so furious to the point he was saying he was gonna delete his Facebook because I took those girls off and he re friended all of the girls I took off. I just don't know what to do........