Official appointment tomorrow,

MY official appointment to terminate the baby is tomorrow.

As of right now I'm still not so sure this is what I want to do.

I'm a single mommy of an 11 month old and I honestly don't see myself with another baby right now. The father of my unborn child is here for me and he wants to do what ever makes me happy. . We have a lot of stuff to work on in our relationship being that we have not been together for that long. I'm active duty military and he's a civilian, sometime next year I'll be pcsing to another state and he doesn't see hisself leaving VA (where he stays) anytime soon.

I don't want to take care of another child on my own again, especially since I'll have two now.

I'm going over and over in my head on what to do.

Should I actually go through with this.

I guess what I'm looking for is advice