Going to bed😔


Just venting... today was my great uncles memorial service we were pretty close with him, spent a lot of time there as a kid and when the cancer hit we visited him a lot. My cousin who I'm close to but never get to see because we live in different states also had to leave today I've only seen everyone since Sunday. My family is stressing me out about who's watching my son and whatever, like I'm trying to please 4 people at once. It's my dad, stepmom and grandparents(they live out of state and leaving Saturday) and I don't even want my stepmom to watch him now or anything because she was starting drama last night that was so unnecessary and dumb. Her and I have a rocky relationship we've been fine for the past few years then she has to go and start shit again. And I don't think they realize because it's been chaotic tomorrow after being with my son for 11 weeks I start school full time so I'm not going to be with him like I have been. So it's big transition and I'm not ready for it. It's also like the last day I'd get to spend time with my boyfriend because of my school and his work schedule were hardly ever going to see each other for the next year. We're not really ever going to have a full day to spend together anymore. And since that he said he'd stay home tonight instead of see friends so I was happy we'd have a family night maybe get some movies. But no he's just been an asshole to me today. We've hardly said anything to each other because of it. So great way to spend our day... in just super upset and stressed. I'm just going to bed alone... besides having my son besides me which I'm greatful for and he does make things better. I'm just trying my hardest just to go to bed and not cry myself to sleep tonight...