Depedently Screwed


So my boyfriend and I have been together for two years give and take a few on and offs the first year. This is our last semester at college, so I literally do not have any friends still here because they have all graduated. The problem is that he completely takes me for granted and has no appreciation for me, but if I were to leave him I would have to quit my job as I am literally transporting two kids to and from school for it and quit the equestrian team because my practices are off site because my car took a sh** on my way down to school, so I have to use his or I am out of luck. And we share a 250 dollar textbook.

What do I do? How do I tough it out? He doesn't tell me I love you first. If he gets mad he will tell me there is nothing that comes to mind that he loves me for. We don't have sex anymore like I try, and he gets really angry about it. He doesn't want to kiss, hug or hold hands or anything. Then everything I do pisses him off. It is completely his way or the highway, and if I get jealous and suspicious that someone is receiving the attention he refuses to give me he literally just ups and leaves and ignores my existence.

I am literally miserable. He use to be this really great guy and now he takes me completely for

granted but I can't leave him because if I do I would have no choice but to drop out of school, so i could move home to be close to family members and their vehicles. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to make him happy, and I don't know how much longer I can continue living like this. Next fall we are supposed to be moving to Chicago to go to law school, and now I am sitting here thinking I would be better off going to my hometown and working at McDonalds for the rest of my life.