How did we get to this 💔


So I'll try to keep this short but the guy in these pictures, well he was my everything. I met him when I was 16 at my very first job papa Murphy's, anyways he was 18 and after working there a month we started dating. Everything was so great and I loved spending time with him. He was so sweet and weird and can always make me laugh. Well after 6months he got me a promise ring, and then after 11 months we moved in together with a good friend of ours, I was 17 when we moved in anyways April 21st 2016 I quit my job to go back to school, me and him talked about and we thought it would be a good idea, 2 weeks later he got fired , so now we start struggling, 2 months go by and we're barely making it and the only reason why we still live in the apt is cause of his mom, in July I finally get a job but he doesn't have one , then his mom has us come to her to talk and 3 days before my 18th birthday she kicks me out and has me move 2 hours away to my dads and has him move back into her house, anyways the second I got out there I already had a job and me and him are still together July 9th he asks me to marry him. August threw October he was on and off with being moody , because his mom was on his ass and he felt like he was falling apart , of course I didn't let his moody ness get to me and I was there for him to make him feel better and be his support, October 28 I got my drivers license and we "celebrated" . November 12th he stays the night with me and he had sex the next morning he takes me to work but it takes us forever to say good bye. November 15th 10 o'clock at night he breaks up with me saying he can't do this that he needs to better his life before he can be with me . I was heart broken. Everyday from that point on the second I opened my eyes in the morning I cried my eyes out like if someone died. I wasn't my self for a while I was depressed. December 17 the day of my lil sisters surprise birthday party I found out I was pregnant at this point I was almost 3 months pregnant. December 18th I tried to call his mom ( that was the only way I could get a hold of him while we were dating) anyways no answer I called again no answer , so I left a text say what was going on , her response was "okay Todd will call you sometime this week" never got a call month goes by I called again , she texts "sorry I'm at work but he's still processing all of it and he wants to wait til the holidays are over to call" never calls it goes on like that for months and then in may 2017 I got get my stuff from his house his mom was there but not him , as she's helping me she says " I'm sorry Todd hasn't called but if he doesn't call by the time the baby is here I'll handle it" didn't know what she meant. So I stopped trying to contact them cause it wasn't getting anywhere, July 21,2017 at 12:55pm Copelyn grace was born by c section, she is almost 2 months old and I still haven't got a text or a call to this day, it's sad to think those 2 years meant nothing to him and now he has a daughter and he doesn't even care to see her or hold her, they know she born cause his sister and his mom still follow me on all my social medias.