Pill help ?? What time should I do it ?

I started taking birth control about 3 months ago and found that it wasn't doing much to my skin, so my gyno switched me too ocella cause my acne wasn't really changing since going on it, it's been 4 days my face is freaking out and terrible breakouts worse than how it was on the other. I think this has to do with hormone change and the fact I havn't been consistent on time. My last birth control I was always on time but for the summer I took it everyday at a 11:30. However when I was switching the pills got picked up later than 11:30. So first pill on ocella was technically late I took it at like 12:50. And than I was like oh shit school is starting so I changed it too 7:30 (next day took it than) and than i Ended up having a senior free first period (so I don't have to get up early so I changed it too 8:20) and now today I was supposed to take it at 8:20 and I completely forgot. I took it today at 3 something. Today is when my face completely freaking out I broke out in at least 5 new cystic pimples that were not there this morning. Also Ik I need to take it on time everyday. What time do u suggest I take it I'm trying to stick to something so my skin can calm down. Should I do it in the morning or evening? Has anyone ever used ocella and did it work for there cystic acne ? And how long did it take to work ?