Birth story, surprise gender... IT'S A GIRL!!!!

Had a membrane sweep at 39 +2. I didn't have any pain during the procedure, just a little discomfort. I was already 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Within an hour I had some low back pain that was constant. Woke up during the night around 1 am that same night with some irregular contractions. They started to become regular around 2:30 am and were every 2-5 minutes. Went to the hospital and after watching me for 2 hours I want dilated any more. Watched me another hour and I had progresssd some so I was admitted. I planned on trying all natural but that was thrown out the door pretty early in labor. I was in so much pain! I got an epidural and the doctor broke my water. I progressed from 5 cm to 8 cm within a couple hours. I was ready to push in 2 more hours. I pushed for 3.5 hours. I didn't relalize people push that long and how tiring it is! Baby was turned sideways and was making progress but we couldn't get the head out. Tired the vaccum and that was not successful so I had a c section. I really didn't want a c section but I didn't have much choice at the time. Luckily baby's heart beat stayed great during all the pushing so there was never any fetal distress! My husband and I welcome our surprise gender baby girl into the world! She is a healthy 7 lb 9 oz and 19.5 inches long! Good luck to everyone still waiting to meet their little ones! Labor and delivery was not easy but it was worth it! I can't believe I have a daughter!