RELAX!!! Advice for you first timers

I have been reading several posts where women are freaking out over due dates, having Baby early because of size, etc, and I just felt like someone needed to remind you guys to RELAX.

I have worked nursing jobs up to my due date and given birth exactly when that baby was physiologically ready. I have been a stay at home mom and given birth after being induced. One thing is the same. You will be tired, hormonal, overwhelmed by emotions and absolutely over the moon with the new little person you've been growing. YOU WILL MISS SLEEP. And most importantly you will have a lifetime of worrying ahead of you once that little love is outside of you walking, talking, and getting their heartbroken for the first time. So PLEASE. Relax. Breathe. I'm hoping you trust

your healthcare provider and if you don't FIND A NEW ONE. You can, you have that choice. This time is precious (and miserable I know...) and you'll miss it.


Not exactly sure on my due date but we're going with 10-29-17.

Baby measured 3-3.5lbs at 28

Week check by (20+years experience) midwife palpation (more reliable imo than ultrasounds).

Absolutely tired and miserable but enjoying every wiggle, kick, punch, and stretch.