good schedule.

Is this a good schedule for baby for feedings and solids? Just curious how everyone else'sis going   with baby being a little bigger. Mines 9 months & his schedule has changed a bit. 
Old schedule
Wake up time-8
11:30-1:30 nap 
2:00 lunch 
3 bottle nap 
630 dinner 
730-8 bath routine bottle 
830 bed. 
New schedule! 
8-8:20wake up time
1030-bottle& nap (sleeps from 10:45 to 1) 
Lunch 1:15-1:30 
Playtime 2-3:00
3:00-bottle and second nap. (Sleeps 45 mins to an hour) 
5:30-6 dinner solids 
7-730 bathtime 
8:30 bottle & bedtime. 
Anyone else notice a change when changing schedule around? 
Also note that we transitioned him into his own room. He goes to bed at 830 but is waking up off and off anywhere from 2-4am and fights a good hour to go back to sleep. I don't know what to do. Sleep regression has been an issue before but I just don't know what else to do. I'm at my wits end. I'm exhausted plus we have a toddler that shares the same room. We lay her down first. She goes to sleep then we take our boy in there. So far it's worked doing it that way and we are fine but the night time has been exhausting. He use to sleep thru the night from 3-1/2 months to now but when we changed him to this new room and schedule with his sister he's been up and down at night and also fights to back to sleep. Doesn't nap much in the evening and sleeps good in the morning for the first nap. Any tips?