any thoughts, ideas, or solutions


okay so we all know starting a new birth control can make you feel a little crazy. on top of that I have a UTI( one day away from finishing my antibiotic). call me crazy but I seriously feel like I have mild pregnancy symptoms I have been super nauseous the last few days randomly throwing up the smell of cigarettes make me want to puke I can't even smoke a cigarette without even getting nauseous( never has happened before). don't have much of an appetite when I do eat I feel nauseous certain smells get to me even lotions. tested Monday got a negative result. me and my partner had unprotected sex a week after I had my ovulation period. AF showed up a couple days late but only lasted a few days. maybe I'm just paranoid or it's just a mixture of the UTI and the extra hormones from the birth control that are messing with me.