About to flip out 😡😡😡

💜GoofyLemmings💜 • Rainbow 🌈 Due June 2018 ❤💙
So I'm on Facebook and I of course have those couple of friends who are pregnant and they have commented on my husband and I sharing our news about losing the baby last week. 
Well they are all mutual friends of one another  and the one is due in about 4 wks I believe and she basically was saying how she couldn't do it anymore and blah blah blah. Then the others commented their opinions and I had to comment and I said I would gladly trade places with any of them and be the sickest pregnant woman in the world and hurt 24/7 to have my baby back. And the one basically lashes out at me (who had said she was so sorry for my loss) saying that I was being so rude and I need to keep those kinda comments to myself.
I'm pissed at seeing all these people complain and I would trade it for the world to be pregnant with my baby